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Run Playstation 2 games on MAC Snow Leopard and Lion 'pcsx2'
Applications > Mac
172.88 MB

mac pcsx2 lion leopard playstation snow

Mar 23, 2012

In this torrent, I'm giving you an emulator kit named PCSX2.  What it does is giving you the option to play PS2 games on MAC OSXs Snow Leopard(SL) and Lion.  Offically, it perfectly works with SL. I also added a modded PCSX2 emulator to the package named "PCSX2" for Lion users. The Installation video is here:


So what we need to run this emulator on MAC is:

1.  "PCSX2" itself (You will download PCSX2/mac Snow Leopard only under PCSX2/mac full builds title):

2.  "XQuartz" which is a community supported update to X11 in Leopard (In order to make it run, you should have at least 10.6.3):

3.  nVidia developer tools "Cg Toolkit" which is needed for the graphics.  Technically, you can download from nVidia's Website but it requires registration so I already downloaded and added it in this package for you.  You have it as "" file.

4.  "PCSX2 BIOS" which makes it possible to start the emulator.  I added the BIOS files in the package as "" file.


Since I'm using SL, I couldn't try the modded one (PCSX2 for Lion but some of my friends did and it worked for them. All you need to do is to drop it to your HD and click to run, you dont't need the installation steps above.  This ported one works with SL too but I suggest SL users installing it with the way above. 

Minimum System Requirements for PCSX2 to get performance while playing games:

Intel Core 2 Duo 3.2 GHz Processor (Intel i3 processors or higher recommended)
MAC OSX 10.6.3 for SL or 10.7.x for Lion
2 GB RAM System Memory (4 GB RAM or higher recommended) 
256 vRAM dedicated graphics cards that support Pixel Shaders 2.0 (512 MB vRAM dedicated nVidia or ATI graphics cards recommended)  

There are some tips for you to make PCSX2 run faster on a MAC:

Here is the PCSX2 compatibility list for the PS2 games:


Have fun!


You can find the installation video link in Important.rtf file.
Snow Leopard PCSX2 version is 0.9.6

Snow Leopard + Lion modded PCSX2 version is 0.9.9
Thanks, the apps. works

but it need some configs !

Help will be appreciated
works :D
what is the pcsx2 r5109 app for?

You gotta do that considering your hardware, you're welcome :)

It is for Lion and it is the unofficial last ported pcsx2. Works for Snow Leopard too but I suggest the one on the website for the SL users.
One tip for the performance enhancement; goto emulation settings (gs settings) and change turbo adjust to 300% Also at gs windows tab, you can select widescreen (16:9)
where can i download ps2 games
do u insert games into the optical drive? or can u download them online?
ok let me get this straight, if i download this, i can make ps2 games work on my mac????